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Ingrown Toenails Specialist

Andrew R. Harrison, DPM

Podiatrist located in San Jose, CA & Pacific Heights, San Francisco, CA

Ingrown toenails are known for causing agonizing pain and discomfort. At his practice in the Lower Pacific Heights area of San Francisco and San Jose, California, Andrew R. Harrison, DPM, MS, offers comprehensive in-office treatments so you can get relief from ingrown toenails. Before your ingrown toenail worsens, schedule an evaluation. Book your visit through the online scheduling feature or over the phone.

Ingrown Toenails Q&A

What causes ingrown toenails?

An ingrown toenail occurs when your toenail fails to grow out and away from your skin and instead grows into your skin. This can eventually break your skin, causing bacteria to enter and ultimately lead to infection. 

While anyone can develop ingrown toenails at any point in life, they might happen more regularly if you:

  • Wear snug-fitting shoes
  • Cut your toenails too short
  • Injure your toenail

You might also be prone to ingrown toenails if your toenails are unusually curved, just because of your genetics.

When should I see a doctor about ingrown toenails?

As common as ingrown toenails may be, it’s important to see a Dr. Harrison at the first sign, before your condition worsens. It’s particularly important to make an appointment at Andrew R. Harrison, DPM, MS, if you notice:

  • Redness or swelling
  • Pus or bleeding
  • Severe tenderness

Blood flow, which is essential for delivering vital healing nutrients, is already limited in your feet because your circulatory system has to work against gravity. 

In addition, if you have diabetes, heart disease, or another chronic condition, blood flow can become even more limited. Because of these factors, a seemingly minor ingrown toenail can quickly turn into a serious infection.

How are ingrown toenails treated?

Treating your ingrown toenail depends on the severity of your symptoms and any underlying infection. For minor issues, Dr. Harrison can carefully lift your ingrown toenail and place a splint underneath it. This helps your toenail continue to grow outwards, rather than into your skin.

If you have an infection, Dr. Harrison could recommend partially removing your toenail. This in-office procedure involves numbing your toe and trimming away the affected portion of your toenail. If the infection is sever enough, Dr. Harrison may need to prescribe antibiotics.

If your ingrown toenail is severely infected or just keeps coming back, Dr. Harrison may suggest removing your toenail and tissue altogether. This procedure is typically a last resort since it could stop future toenail growth permanently.

Before living another day with ingrown toenail discomfort, see what the team at Andrew R. Harrison, DPM, MS, can do. Schedule a visit either online or over the phone.